Secretly a hopeless romantic, obsessed with dreams and ideas. But mostly, simplicity.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Whip it. Whip it good.

uhhhhh, sometimes people say things and I truly don't follow. Whip it good? What?

Laura, my bff is from Jersey, she's crazy but in a good way, you know? Right now she's currently sitting next to me eating pepperoni pizza (probably one of the three things she ACTUALLY eats) and is talking about polly pockets. Remember those? they were bomb.

To her left sits a long time friend, Russ. I met Russ at my very first job back in 10th grade. FESTY FOODS represent, YO! He thinks he can kick my ass, but little does he know Laura and I just took karate :) Plus, I have years of experience in going MIA and also going incognito. These skills will assist me in his demise. Wait, What?

To Russ's left, sits Matt, a new friend in my life, but one with an awesome bike and an interesting perspective on people. I like it. He's trying to read my thoughts but I'm like Bella, you know that vampire girl? NO one, can read these thoughts... Nor should they want to, I'm not sure anyone could keep up. Well, maybe Laura. HA.

Next is Kelsey, she just said, "Underarmour is like wearing a lunchbox". Enough said.

 To Kelsey's left sits, her lovely boyfriend Collin. He rocks my socks off because A. He plays my electric guitar, and that baby needed some lovin B. he's a badass glass blower, and C. He wears cowboy boots. Any guy that wears cowboy boots 9 out of 10 times is figuratively speaking, a rockstar. LOVE.

Then there is me, little ol' me. I've heard people describe me as "A little off her rocker". So I guess it could be safe to say, that I'm crazy too, much like the rest of the people chit chatting around me. This posting really doesn't have much of a point other then to update the inter web people that may somehow come across this. This is my life, here with these people, and I love it. In fact I am enamored by days like today, the perfect temperature (Fall, why must you take so long to get here and spend so little time gracing me with your presence?) and a perfect group of lovely people to spend the evening with.


In honor of how I got to this lovely place tonight, here is a beautiful song to tantalize your eardrums. Enjoy!

This is alf alpha, signing out. Until next time!! RAWR'sssssssssss.

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